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ERL 2013產(chǎn)品價格表

更新時間:2013-04-19      點擊次數(shù):1901

Page 1   Enzyme Research - 2013 Price list      
Cat #  Description  Pricing Cat # Description  Pricing 
 Human Proteins        
HP 1002 Human Prothrombin  100 units (9 mg) $93  HFXa 1011 Factor Xa 100 units (0.8 mg) $274 
   1,000 units (90 mg) $771    >5 x 100 units $218.69 
HP-GD Prothrombin  10.0 mg $261  HFXai Human Factor Xa 100 units (0.8 mg) $371 
 Des-Gla     Inactivated   
F1 Prothrombin Frag. 1  1.0 mg $179  HFXab Human Factor Xa beta 100 units (0.8 mg) $262 
F2 Prothrombin Frag. 2  1.0 mg $179      
 Human α-Thrombin    HFXab-GD Human Factor Xa beta 1.0 mg $477 
HT 1002a   <3,000 units $63   Des-Gla   
 (Priced per 1000 units)  3,000+ units $33      
     HFXI 1111 Factor XI 0.1 mg $132 
HTi Human Thrombin  1.0 mg $113    1.0 mg $1,280 
     HFXIa 1111a Factor XIa 0.1 mg $185 
HGT H. Gamma Thrombin  1.0 mg $386    1.0 mg $1,490 
HFVII 1007 Human Factor VII  0.1 mg $132  HFXII 1212 Factor XII 0.5 mg $214 
   1.0 mg $1,280    1.0 mg $373 
HFVIIa Human Factor VIIa  0.1 mg $194  HFXIIa 1212a Factor XIIa 0.5 mg $285 
   1.0 mg $1,533    1.0 mg $510 
HFVIIaGD Human Factor VIIa  0.1 mg $251  HFXIIab Factor XIIa beta 0.1 mg $113 
 Des-Gla      1.0 mg $1,022 
HFVIIai FVIIa inactivated  0.1 mg $251  CTI Corn Trypsin Inhibitor 1.0 mg $106 
     HFXIII 1313 Factor XIII 0.25 mg $273 
HPC 1001 Protein C  0.1 mg $123    1.0  mg $765 
   1.0 mg $964      
     HFXIIIa 1314 Factor XIIIa 0.25 mg $312 
HPC-GD Human Protein C  0.1 mg $175    1.0 mg $930 
 Des-Gla  1.0 mg $1,252      
     HK 1300 Single Chain High MW 1.0 mg $194 
APC Activated Protein C  0.1 mg $164   Kininogen   
   1.0 mg $1,025      
     2HK 1301 Two Chain High MW 1.0 mg $150 
APCi Activated Protein C  0.1 mg $193   Kininogen   
 Inactivated  1.0 mg $1,336      
     HPK 1302 Human Prekallikrein 1.0 mg $354 
APC-GD Activated Protein C  0.1 mg $418      
 Des-Gla  1.0 mg $1,333  HPKi Inactivated Prekallikrein 1.0 mg $447 
HPS Protein S  1.0 mg $516  HPKa 1303 Human Kallikrein 1.0 mg $447 
HFIX 1009 Factor IX  100 units (0.5 mg) $211  PKA Prekallikrein Activator 2.0 mL $167 
   >5 x 100 units $205      
 Factor IX aβ    HPG 2001 Human Glu-Plasminogen 1.0 mg $77 
HFIXa 1080   100 units (0.5mg) $296      
   >5 x 100 units $242.35  LPG 2002 Human Lys-Plasminogen 1.0 mg $96 
HFIXai Human Factor IX aβ  100 units (0.5 mg) $383  HPlasmin Human Plasmin 0.10 mg $12 
 Inactivated      1.0 mg $96 
HFX 1010 Factor  X  100 units (0.8 mg) $228  HPZ Human Protein Z 0.5 mg $627 
   >5 x 100 units $184    1.0 mg $1,130 
HFX-GD Human Factor X  1.0 mg $300  HAT Human Antithrombin 1.0 mg $57 
     HCII Heparin CoFactor II 0.1 mg $191 
       0.5 mg $538 
Cat #   Description  Pricing Cat # Description  Pricing
FIB 1  Human Fibrinogen,  1.0 g $94 BFX 1006 Bovine Factor X 100 units (1.0 mg) $256
  Plasminogen Depleted       
      BFXa Bovine Factor Xa 100 units (1.0 mg) $267
FIB 2  Human Fibrinogen, vWF  1.0 g $132   >10 x 100 units $211.24
  Plasminogen Depleted       
      BFXIa  11a Bovine Factor XIa 1.0 mg $77
FIB 3  Human Fibrinogen, vWF  1.0 g $150    
  Plasminogen & Fibronectin    BAT Bovine Antithrombin 1.0 mg $57
      BFIB1 Bovine Fibrinogen, 1.0 g $94
 Discounts for Fibrinogen apply to> 200 grams      Plasminogen Depleted  
P1FIB  Peak '1'  10.0 mg $101 BPg Bovine Plasminogen 1.0 mg $85
  Purified Fibrinogen       
P2FIB  Peak '2'  10.0 mg $135    
  Purified Fibrinogen    CIIa Canine Thrombin 0.1 mg $294
FN  Human Fibronectin  1.0 mg $99 CFib Canine Fibrinogen 1.0 mg $88
GP2b3a  Human GPIIbIIIa  1.0 mg $194 CFIX Canine Factor IX 0.1 mg $410
a2AP  a2-Antiplasmin  0.1 mg $150 CFX Canine Factor X 0.1 mg $352
    >5 x 0.1 mg $119    
      CFXa Canine Factor Xa 0.1 mg $410
HAPO-H  Apolipoprotein-H  0.1 mg $119    
    >5 x 0.1 mg $83 MFg Murine Fibrinogen 1.0 mg $88
PF4  Plaet Factor 4  0.1 mg $191 MAT Murine Antithrombin 0.1 mg $36
    >5 x 0.1 mg $162   1.0 mg $318
TAFI  Procarboxypeptidase-B  0.1 mg $350 MIIa Murine Thrombin 0.05 mg $147
    >5 x 0.1 mg $297    
      MFXIII Murine Factor XIII 0.1 mg $233
RVV-X  Russell’s Viper Venom  1.0 mg $108    
      MPg Murine Plasminogen 1.0 mg $106
      PFib Porcine Fibrinogen 1.0 g $512
BPC 1003  Bovine Protein C  1.0 mg $274    
      PFXa Porcine Factor Xa 0.1 mg $410
BP 1004  Bovine Prothrombin  100 units (10 mg) $103 PIIa Porcine Thrombin 0.1 mg $294
    1000 units (100 mg) $832    
      RbFg Rabbit Fibrinogen 1.0 mg $88
BPCa  Bovine Activated  0.1 mg $103    
  Protein C    RbIX Rabbit Factor IX 0.1 mg $380
BT 1002a  Bovine Thrombin  <3,000  units $63 RbX Rabbit Factor X 0.1 mg $352
  (Priced per 1000 units)  3,000+ units $33    
      RbXa Rabbit Factor Xa 0.1 mg $410
BFV/Va  Bovine Factor V/Va  100 units (1 mg) $194    
    500 units (5 mg) $771 RbIIa Rabbit Thrombin 0.1 mg $294
BFIX 1005  Bovine Factor IX  100 units (0.5 mg) $161 RFib Rat Fibrinogen 1.0 mg $88
    >5 x 100 units $146.88    
BFIXa 1080  Bovine Factor IX aβ  100 units (0.5 mg) $300 RFIX Rat Factor IX 0.1 mg $250
    >5 x 100 units $233 RFXa Rat Factor Xa 0.1 mg $468
      RIIa Rat Thrombin 0.1 mg $294
Cat #  Description  Pricing Cat # Description  Pricing 
       Anti-human F.VII (F.VII)  
Mab HFV  Monoclonal Ab to HFV  0.5 mg $173 SAFVII-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $150
  All other Monoclonals  0.5 mg $147 SAFVII-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $284
      SAFVII-HRP sheep, perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $230
  Anti-Human Fibrinogen (Fg)     Anti-human F.VIII:C (F.VIII:C)  
SAFG-IG  Sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $134 SAF8C-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $150
SAFG-AP  Sheep, affinity purified, IgG,  0.5 mg $179 SAF8C-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $350
SAFG-HRP  Sheep, perox-conj.. IgG,  0.2 mg $201 SAF8C-HRP sheep, perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $230
SAFG-APHRP  Sheep, HRP-AP IgG,  0.1 mg $201 SAF8C-APFTC sheep, AP-FITC 0.1 mg $230
       Anti-human Factor IX (F.IX)  
   Anti-rabbit Fibrinogen   GAFIX-IG goat, purified IgG, 10 mg $134
SARFG-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $134 GAFIX-AP goat, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $274
SARFG-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $230 GAFIX-HRP goat, perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $201
SARFG-HRP  sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $201 GAFIX-APHRP goat, HRP-AP IgG, 0.1 mg $201
      GAFIX-APFTC goat, AP-FITC 0.1 mg $201
   Anti-human Peak 2 Fibrinogen   SAFIX-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $150
SAFGP-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  5 mg $134 SAFIX-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $274
SAFGP-HRP  sheep,  perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $201 SAFIX-APHRP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.1 mg $201
  Anti-Human Fibrin fragment E (Fn-E)     Anti-human Factor X (F.X)  
SAFNE-IG  Sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $134 GAFX-IG goat, purified IgG, 10 mg $134
SAFNE-HRP  Sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $201 GAFX-AP goat, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $274
      GAFX-HRP goat, perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $201
Anti-Human Fibrinopeptide A (FPA: Aa 1-16 specific)      SAFX-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $274
SAFPA-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $224 SAFX-APFTC sheep, AP-FITC 0.1 mg $201
SAFPA-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $350 RAFX-HRP rabbit,perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $230
SAFPA-HRP  sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $350    
       Anti-human Factor XI (F.XI)  
  Anti-human Prothrombin (F.II)    GAFXI-IG goat,  purified IgG, 5 mg $150
SAFII-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $111 GAFXI-AP goat, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $284
SAFII-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $230 GAFXI-HRP goat,  perox-conj.IgG, 0.2 mg $201
SAFII-HRP  sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $230 GAFXI-APFTC goat, AP-FITC 0.1 mg $230
      SAFXI-IG sheep,  purified IgG, 5 mg $150
Anti-human Prothrombin  Fragments 1& 2      SAFXI-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $284
SAFII-F1AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $289    
SAFII-F2AP  sheep, Prothrombin  0.5 mg $274  Anti-human Factor XII (F.XII)  
  Fragment-2, AP I    GAFXII-IG goat, purified IgG, 5 mg $150
      GAFXII-AP goat, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $289
  Anti-human Thrombin (F.IIa)    GAFXII-HRP goat, perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $201
SAHT-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $127 SAFXII-IG sheep, purified IgG, 5 mg $150
SAHT-AP  sheep, AP IgG,  0.5 mg $295 SAFXII-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $289
SAHT-HRP  sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $230    
SAHT-APFTC  sheep, AP-FITC  0.1 mg $230  Anti-human Factor XIII (F.XIII)  
      SAFXIII-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $150
  Anti-bovine Thrombin (bF.IIa)    SAFXIII-HRP sheep, perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $230
SABT-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $127    
SABT-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $295  Anti-human Factor XIII (A subunit)  
SABT-HRP  sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $230 SAF13A-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $150
      SAF13A-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $295
  Anti-rabbit Thrombin (rF.IIa)    SAF13A-HRP sheep, perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $230
SART-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $138 SAF13A-APFTC sheep, AP-FITC 0.1 mg $230
SART-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $303    
SART-HRP  sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $236  Anti-human Prekallikrein (PK)  
      SAPK-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $150
  Anti-human F.V (F.V)    SAPK-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $268
SAFV-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $150 SAPK-APHRP sheep, HRP-AP IgG, 0.1 mg $201
SAFV-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $350    
SAFV-HRP  sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $230  Anti-human Kininogen (KN)  
SAFV-APFTC  sheep, AP-FITC  0.1 mg $230 SAKN-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $150
      SAKN-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $268
  Anti-bovine F.V (F.V)    SAKN-APHRP sheep, HRP-AP IgG, 0.1 mg $201
SABFV-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $150    
SABFV-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $274    
SABFV-HRP  sheep perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $230    
Cat #   Description  Pricing Cat # Description  Pricing
  Anti-human Protein C (PC)     Anti-human a2Antiplasmin (a2AP)  
GAPC-IG  goat, purified IgG,  5 mg $150 GA2AP-IG goat, purified IgG, 5 mg $150
GAPC-AP  goat, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $292 GA2AP-AP goat, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $289
SAPC-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $150 GA2AP-HRP goat, perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $230
SAPC-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $284 SA2AP-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $161
SAPC-HRP  sheep,  perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $201    
MAPC-IG  mouse monoclonal  0.5 mg $280 Anti-human Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor (TAFI)   
      SATAFI-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $150
  Anti-human Protein S (PS)    SATAFI-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $289
GAPS-IG  goat, purified IgG,  5 mg $150 SATAFI-HRP sheep, perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $230
GAPS-HRP  goat, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $150    
SAPS-IG  sheep,  purified IgG,  10 mg $150  Anti-human a1-Antitrypsin (a1AT)  
SAPS-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $284 GA1AT-IG goat, purified IgG, 10 mg $119
SAPS-HRP  sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $201 GA1AT-AP goat, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $203
      SA1AT-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $106
  Anti-human Protein Z (PZ)    SA1AT-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $203
SAPZ-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $170 SA1AT-APHRP sheep, HRP-AP IgG, 0.1 mg $179
SAPZ-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $350    
SAPZ-HRP  sheep,  perox-conj IgG,  0.2 mg $230 Anti-human a2-Macroglobulin (a2M)   
      GAA2M-IG goat,  purified IgG, 10 mg $106
  Anti-human Plasminogen (Pg)    GAA2M-AP goat,  affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $203
GAPG-IG  goat, purified IgG,  5 mg $111 GAA2M-APHRP goat, HRP-AP IgG, 0.1 mg $179
GAPG-AP  goat, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $201    
GAPG-  goat, HRP-AP IgG,  0.1 mg $179    
APHRP       Anti-human Plaet Factor 4 (PF4)  
SAPG-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  5 mg $111 SAPF4-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $150
SAPG-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $201 SAPF4-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $289
Anti-Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1)      SAPF4-HRP sheep, perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $230
SAPAI-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $155 Anti-human B2-Glycoprotein-1 (Apolipoprotein-H)   
SAPAI-HRP  sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $254 GAB2G-IG goat, purified IgG, 5 mg $170
      GAB2G-AP goat, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $274
Anti-Tissue type Plasminogen Activator (tPA)      GAB2G-HRP goat, perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $219
SATPA-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $150    
SATPA-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $284  Anti-human von Willebrand Factor (vWF)  
SATPA-HRP  sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $230 GAVWF-IG goat, affinity adsorbed IgG, 2.5 mg $119
SATPA-APFTC  sheep, AP-FITC  0.1mg $230 GAVWF-AP goat, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $274
      GAVWF-HRP goat, perox-conj. IgG, 0.15 mg $201
Anti-human Neutrophil Elastase (HNE)      GAVWF-APFTC goat, AP-FITC 0.1 mg $201
SANE-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $134    
SANE-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $252  Anti-Canine von Willebrand Factor (CvWF)  
SANE-HRP  sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $214 SACWF-IG sheep, purified IgG, 5 mg $162
  Anti-human Antithrombin III (ATIII)    SACWF-HRP sheep, perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $191
GAAT-IG  goat, purified IgG,  10 mg $106  Anti-Rat von Willebrand Factor (RvWF)  
GAAT-AP  goat, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $260 SARTW-IG sheep, purified IgG, 5 mg $170
SAAT-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $88 SARTW-HRP sheep, perox-conj. IgG, 0.2 mg $201
SAAT-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $230    
SAAT-APHRP  sheep, HRP-AP,  0.1 mg $205  Anti-human Tissue Factor (TF)  
SAAT-APFTC  sheep, AP-FITC  0.1 mg $205 SATF-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $170
  Anti-rabbit Antithrombin III (ATIII)    SATF-HRP sheep, perox-conj. IgG. 0.2 mg $201
SARAT-IG  sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $129 MATF-FITC mouse, FITC 0.1 mg $230
SARAT-AP  sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $274    
SARAT-HRP  sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $230 Anti-human Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI)   
  Anti-human Heparin Cofactor-II (HCII)    SATFPI-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $224
GAHC2-IG  goat, purified IgG,  5 mg $150  Anti-Vitronectin (Vn)  
GAHC2-AP  goat, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $289 SAVN-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $150
GAHC2  goat, HRP-AP IgG,  0.1 mg $205 SAVN-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $289
APHRP      SAVN-APHRP sheep, HRP-AP IgG, 0.1 mg $201
  Anti-human Protein C Inhibitor (PCI)     Anti-Vimentin (Vm)  
GAPCI-IG  goat, purified IgG,  10 mg $150 SAVM-IG sheep, purified IgG, 10 mg $150
GAPCI-AP  goat, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $289 SAVM-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG, 0.5 mg $289
GAPCI-HRP  goat, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $289 SAVM-APHRP sheep, HRP-AP, 0.1 mg $214
Cat #  Description  Pricing Cat # Description  Pricing 
Anti-human C1-Inhibitor (C1 esterase inhibitor)     Paired  Capture and Detecting Antibodies for EIA    
GACINH-IG goat, purified IgG,  5 mg $179 Prothrombin  FII-EIA 5 plate $375
GACINH-AP goat, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $322 Factor V  FV-EIA 5 plate $375
GACINH-HRP goat, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $230 Factor VII  FVII-EIA 5 plate $423
     Factor VIII:C  FVIII:C-EIA 4 plate $530
 Anti-human Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (GPIIbIIIa)    Factor IX  FIX-EIA 5 plate $428
SA2B3A-IG sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $179 Factor X  FX-EIA 5 plate $375
     Factor XI  FXI-EIA 5 plate $375
 Anti-Mouse Immunoglobulin (IgG:H&L)    Factor XII  FXII-EIA 5 plate $423
GAM-APHRP goat, HRP-AP  IgG,  0.5 mg $142 Factor XIII  FXIII-EIA 5 plate $423
     von Willebrand Factor  VWF-EIA 5 plate $415
 Anti-Rabbit Immunoglobulin (IgG:H&L)    Protein C  PC-EIA 5 plate $375
SAR-APHRP sheep, HRP-AP  IgG,  0.5 mg $142 Protein S  PS-EIA 5 plate $375
     APC-Protein C Inhibitor Complex  APCPCI-EIA 5 plate $423
 Anti-Sheep Immunoglobulin (IgG:H&L)    APC-1Antitrypsin Complex  APCAT-EIA 5 plate $423
DAS-APHRP Donkey, HRP-AP IgG,  0.5 mg $142 Protein C Inhibitor  PCI-EIA 5 plate $375
DAS-APFTC Donkey, AP-FITC  0.5 mg $142 Heparin Cofactor II  HCII-EIA 4 plate $375
     Antithrombin III  ATIII-EIA 5 plate $375
 Anti-Hirudin    Thrombin-Antithrombin Complex  TAT-EIA 5 plate $458
SAHD-IG sheep, purified IgG,  10 mg $150 Thrombin-HCII Complex  THCII-EIA 5 plate $458
SAHD-AP sheep, affinity purified IgG,  0.5 mg $289 Plasminogen  PG-EIA 5 plate $375
SAHD-HRP sheep, perox-conj. IgG,  0.2 mg $214 Tissue Plasminogen Activator  TPA-EIA 5 plate $375
     Fibrinogen  FG-EIA 5 plate $375
 Purified IgG from Non-Immune Sera    Apolipoprotein-H  APOH-EIA 5 plate $402
NIR-IG Rabbit non-immune IgG,  10 mg $46 Rabbit Fibrinogen  RBFG-EIA 4 plate $558
NIS-IG Sheep non-immune IgG,  20 mg $46 Alpha 1 Antitrypsin  A1AT-EIA 5 plate $375
NIS-FITC Sheep non-immune, FITC  0.1 mg $109 Canine Factor VIII  CFVIII-EIA 4 plate $530
NIG-IG Goat non-immune IgG,  10 mg $46 Canine Factor IX  CFIX-EIA 4 plate $436
NIG-FITC Goat non-immune , FITC  0.1 mg $109 Murine Fibrinogen  MFG-EIA 4 plate $402
     Murine Antithrombin  MATIII-EIA 4 plate $375
     Murine  MPG-EIA 4 plate $375
     Murine Factor X  MFX-EIA 4 plate $375
     Kininogen  KN-EIA 4 plate $436
     Prekallikrein  PK-EIA 4 plate $436
